Hargett & Watson, PLC
Attorneys & Counselors at Law
11545 Nuckols Road, Suite C
Glen Allen, VA 23059
(804) 788-7111 - Main Office
Fax: (804) 915-6301
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David B. Hargett and W. Todd Watson are attorneys licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
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All Rights reserved. The information contained in this website is public information and is intended to provide interested parties with information regarding our firm and important issues in law. It is not legal advice, and it does not create a lawyer-client relationship with any lawyer of Hargett & Watson, PLC. Legal proceedings can be very complex. It is advisable to seek the assistance of knowledgable counsel whenever possible. Although we attempt to provide as accurate information as possible, we disclaim any liability for any errors or omissions.